Experienced Portland Child Support Lawyer
At The Law Offices of Paul F. Sherman, we approach all child support cases individually and provide the personalized attention you need. We are dedicated to finding a fair solution to child support for you and your family.
We can help with your child support case. Call The Law Offices of Paul F. Sherman at 503-223-8441 or Contact us for a free child support consultation.
Finding A Fair Solution To Child Support
Your Child Support Calculation is based on the Child Support Guidelines adopted by the state legislature. Whether you are going through a divorce, or trying to modify an existing child support order, the amount you pay or receive in support is dictated by these statutory guidelines. This requires the skill and expertise of an experienced child support attorney.
At The Law Offices of Paul F. Sherman, we maintain a thorough and up-to-date knowledge of the latest child support guidelines and laws. Child support amounts are based on:
- Gross income of each spouse
- Amount of spousal support
- Health insurance costs
- Union dues
- Day care expenses
- Parenting plans and the children’s overnight time with each parent
All parents have a duty to provide financial support to their children. Child support cannot be waived. The amount you are expected to contribute for the support of your children is directly related to the percentage of income between you and the other parent. The issues of daycare and medical insurance costs are often in addition to basic child support. College or secondary education must also be considered for many families.
While both parents are expected to contribute financially to child support, only one parent will actually be required to make a payment on a monthly basis. Usually the primary residential parent will be responsible for the day-to-day management and expenditures associated with support of the children.
Paul F. Sherman Is A Skilled And Effective Child Support Attorney
The Right Portland Child Support Lawyer For Your Family
At The Law Offices of Paul F. Sherman, we regularly handle tough child support cases involving the self-employed, hidden assets, family businesses, commission based salary, military, overtime, bonuses, and cases involving intentional unemployment and willful underemployment that require the Court to impute a true income for the other party.
Contact Paul F. Sherman For Expert Advice On Your Child Support Case And Get The Results You And Your Family Deserve
Paul F. Sherman has over 35 years of experience representing families in child support cases, establishing original orders of child support and child support modifications. We are well aware of the complicated issues that may arise during these cases. You need an experienced child support attorney to protect your rights under the child support laws.
We know you have questions and we have answers. For more information about child support, call The Law Offices of Paul F. Sherman at 503-223-8441 to schedule an appointment with an experienced child support lawyer or Contact Us for a free Child Support consultation.