Even though substantial efforts have been made to keep drunk drivers off our roads, every year thousands of Americans are killed or seriously injured by drunk, intoxicated or otherwise impaired drivers. This is especially true during the holidays when many people...
Ignition Interlock Device Now Required for Diversion in Oregon
There is an important 2012 update to the requirements for DUI defendants to enter diversion. As of 2012, all criminal defendants entering into the DUI Diversion program will be required to have an ignition interlock device (IID) installed in their vehicle. In the...
Super DUII – Enhanced Penalties for High Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) in Oregon
The Oregon Legislature has created a “Super DUII” category as an enhanced penalty for Driving under the Influence. INCREASED MINIMUM DUII PENALTIES Oregon law now provides for a mandatory minimum fine of $2,000 for DUII defendants with a high Blood Alcohol Content...
Aftermath of Measure 73 – The Oregon Crimefighting Act and Felony DUI
In November 2010, Oregon voters overwhelmingly approved the Oregon Crimefighting act which substantially increases the penalties for Felony DUI. The act creates a felony for a third DUI conviction in ten years and mandates 90 days prison time. The pertinent portions...
DUII Related Charges And Statutes
Quite often DUII Defendants are charged with crimes related to or arising out of the underlying DUII charge. A District Attorney can prosecute a DUII Defendant with misdemeanor and felony crimes even if the police officer did not give a citation for that charge...
What Is Boating Under The Influence (BUI)?
With Spring fast approaching many people will soon be taking to the water to enjoy fishing and other recreational activities in their boats. Many people do not understand the rules governing boating under the influence as well as its counterpart DUI. In the...
Enhanced DUI Penalties for High Blood Alcohol Content
The State of Washington has standard penalties for those convicted of driving under the influence. However, drivers with extremely high blood alcohol content (BAC) may be subject to more severe or enhanced DUI penalties. Washington requires drivers to maintain the...
First DUI Charge Alert for Super Bowl Weekend
Police will be out in force this Superbowl weekend. If you find yourself arrested or charged for driving under the influence for the first time, you have important statutory rights that could keep you out of jail and reduce your fines and license suspension. First...
DUI Alert For Super Bowl Weekend
Police in the Vancouver/Portland Metro area are increasing patrols during Super Bowl weekend. In the hours after the Super Bowl, State troopers will be out in full force throughout Oregon and Washington to catch drivers under the influence. Police are also asking...
DUII Defenses
DUII Defenses A conviction for drunk driving can translate into jail time, loss of your driver’s license, financial hardship, and other life-changing consequences. There are many DUII defenses that may reduce or even dismiss your charges. If any of your...