It seems reasonably clear that President Trump’s new tax law will make divorce an even more miserable experience. The majority of the nation’s top matrimonial attorneys believe divorce negations will become more acrimonious following a change in the tax treatment of...
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Family Support
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Is Spousal Support a Tax Deduction?
Spousal supports are generally deductable from the payer spouse’s taxes and charged as income to the payee. To be eligible for a tax deduction, the spousal support payment must be: 1. The payments must be made in an actual cash payment which includes checks,...
Temporary Orders for Family Support – “Pendente Lite Relief”
A divorce can take months and sometimes even years to get resolved by the Court. Most people simply cannot wait that long and need a quick decision or Pendente Lite Relief regarding child custody, visitation, the cars, the house – or most often – money for support...