Experienced, Caring And Affordable

Use Collaboration for an Amicable Divorce

On Behalf of | Jun 18, 2010 | Collaboration

In a Collaborative Divorce the parties and their attorneys pledge to reach an acceptable resolution of the case without resorting to litigation. The process involves  working together in a series of settlement conferences to reach an amicable agreement.

The attorneys guide the process and provide individual legal advice  to their clients.   Specialists such as financial analysts, pension experts and family counselors can be  consulted where needed and used to provide neutral valuations and evaluations..

The Collaborative Process promotes improved communication and cooperation.  This helps generate options and creates a positive environment  for settlement while giving both clients control over the outcome.

The commitment to continued cooperation — even if communication becomes difficult – increases the likelihood of a obtaining a solution where everyone is satisfied with the results.

This is an excellent process that combines the advocacy of traditional attorney representation, with the negotiation model of mediation.  Collaboration can provide excellent results where:

  • Couples would like guidance and support of their own attorneys without the pressures of litigation.
  • The parties have unequal negotiation styles.
  • The parties desire attorneys to prepare and review the settlement agreement.
  • To obtain a traditional legal result with a formal decree of dissolution with an amicable approach which incorporates your specific needs and desires.

The Collaborative process can also be combined with Mediation and more traditional means of verifying the parties assets and liabilities.

If you would like to learn more about the Collaborative Process or other methods of resolving your Divorce and Custody issues without resorting to nasty litigation call the Law Offices of Paul F. Sherman at (888) 824-2151 or Contact Us for a Free Collaborative Divorce consultation.