I am posting the Clark County suggested visitation schedule which establishes a baseline for your own personal parenting plan in the Vancouver area. You really should not settle for less time and should work toward establishing additional mid-week parenting time to stay in your children’s life on a daily basis. Stay in the neighborhood if you want to see your children on a regular basis.
Suggested Visitation Schedule. In order to facilitate reasonable resolution of visitation disputes, the parties should consider the following guide which the court would be inclined to accept as reasonable in most cases:
The children should reside with the primary residential parent, except the children should reside with the non-residential parent pursuant to the following schedule:
(1) Weekends. Alternating weekends from 6:00 p.m. Friday until 6:00 p.m. Sunday.
(2) Summers. Six weeks during the summer, commencing one week after school is out in even-numbered years and commencing seven weeks before the start of school in odd-numbered years (during which time the residential parent should have residential time with the child on an alternating weekend basis as set forth above).
(3) Winter holidays. In odd-numbered years (whether or not the children are in school, as calculated by the local school year calendar), winter holiday time beginning at 6:00 p.m. on the day school recesses and continuing until December 24th at 8:00 p.m.; in even-numbered years, December 24th from 8:00 p.m. and continuing until 6:00 p.m. the day before school commences.
(4) Spring holiday. Alternating spring vacations (whether or not the children are in school, as calculated by the local school year calendar). The non-residential parent should have the children in even-numbered years, not to interrupt the weekend schedule set forth above.
(5) Other holidays. The children should spend Independence Day and Thanksgiving with the residential parent in even-numbered years. The children should spend Independence Day and Thanksgiving with the non-residential parent in odd-numbered years. Thanksgiving should be defined as commencing at 6:00 p.m. the Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day, and continuing until 6:00 p.m. the Sunday immediately following the holiday. Monday holidays shall be spent with the parent having residential time over the preceding weekend.
I would further recommend splitting the Winter break and Spring Break with each party taking one half of the vacation, either front or back depending on your schedules. This facilitates and equal sharing of off time with the children.
Service days should also be split equally.